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Oct 26, 2011

How to Open Multiple Gmail Account in A Browser

As we all aware, each browser (Mozilla, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera Mini and etc.) can open only one account of gmail at once. Let say you have 2 account of gmail and you want to open them at the same time using the browser Mozilla Firefox, here's how you do it:

1. First, login to your google mail account.
2. Then, at the right-above corner of the page, click on the account and choose Account Settings.
3. Then, at the Personal Settings column, look for the 'Multiple sign-in' and click on the 'Edit' link.

Click on the "Edit" link

Oct 20, 2011

How to Change the Color of Your Folder

Do you want to customize the style/ color of your folders and make them look something like this:

Well, it's simple. Here how you do it:

Oct 14, 2011

How to Check Your Smartphone OS Version [Symbian]

Do you ever come to a time when you suddenly thinking about what is your mobile phone Operating System (OS)? And you wanna know  the details about the version of OS you have in your phone. Well, it's easy. The details are already in your phone.

Just go to Menu > Settings > Phone > Phone Management > About.

Menu > Settings > Phone > Phone Management > About