
Dec 16, 2011

[TRICK] Some Folder Shortcuts (Junction Points)

In Windows 7 or Vista (32-bit), you can create a folder which can give you access to a number of shortcuts in the system. Others may called it 'GodMode', but it is actually not the right term for it as Microsoft developers usually used it to have a quick access to the developed system.

GodMode contents

You can create the the so-called 'GodMode' by the following steps:

Step 1: Create a new folder on your desktop (or any directory you want)
Step 2: Name it as GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

The one in red is actually the name of the output folder. You don't have to actually named it as GodMode, it can be others (I preferred ControlPanel). In the GodMode folder, there is a list of shortcuts which link to tools, utilities and interfaces that are  available in Control Panel – it just puts them all into one big list and categorises them.

How to Create a New Drive in My Computer

This tutorial shows you how to create a new fake drive in My Computer. Here's how you do it:


First, change the directory to drive C using the command cd c:/

To create, type: subst z: c:\test (your folder name)

To delete, type: subst z: /d

Notes: The delete command only delete the created drive, but not the folder that you make in the C drive. To delete that, just do it manually.

How To Switch Display To Projector Mode (Windows 7)

Every laptop has a different function key combination to enable output for a projector. However, Windows 7 has simplified the display switching issues peripherally. In order to switch display to projector, first open the Projector Display menu. There are 2 methods you can use:

Method 1
Press Start Menu + P (At the same time)

How to AutoSave (AutoRecover) in Microsoft Office Word

Have you ever experience something like losing your work because you forgot to save your work before suddenly the power went out or the PC crash or something like that? Well, there is a way to auto-save the document every minute. Here's how you do it:

Tutorial by basicxtutorial.

Dec 15, 2011

[TRICK] The Secret Behind Youtube Buffering

Do you have slow internet connection? And whenever you want to watch the video on Youtube, it is always buffering? Well, instead of just waiting for the video to buffer, why don't you turn it into a fun game. Let's see:

Notes: Just press the 'Up' or 'Down' Button on your keyboard to activate the game. Use the 'Up', 'Down', 'Left' and 'Right' keys to move the snake around. The same rules applied as the real snake game. The snake will die if it hits the wall or its own body..

Tutorial by basicxtutorial.

Dec 14, 2011

[TRICK] How to Make Words Appear in Notepad Without Typing

This is a trick on how to make words or sentences to type by themselves without you having to type them.

In this example, I'm going to make the word 'Hello?' to type by itself.

Step 1
Open a new blank Notepad.

Step 2
Type the following coding in the new blank Notepad (or just copy & paste them):

Set a = wscript.CreateObject ("") "Notepad"
wscript.sleep 1500
a.AppActivate "Notepad"
a.Sendkeys "place any letter/alphabet here"
wscript.sleep 500

Dec 13, 2011

How to Disable the Recycle Bin Delete Confirmation Dialog

When you want to delete a file or anything from the computer, you might encounter this:

I prefer not to have this confirmation dialog to appear when deleting my files instead i prefer the files go directly to Recycle Bin without me having to confirm it. So, here how you do it:

Dec 6, 2011

How to Add 'Delete' Button to Windows 7 Toolbar

Adding the delete button to windows toolbar makes it easier to delete files. There's no need to right-click to  delete files anymore (especially for those who don't or can't use keyboard shortcut to delete, this is one of the method to do it).

Delete toolbar
Step 1
Go to Start Menu. Type 'Regedit' and then press Enter.